Progress: Slowly

Breadboard with LED

The project has been in the individual parts on the worktable my long time now. Untouched. It’s time I start to assemble the electronics inside the camera body. I’m still not sure how I should proceed to mount release button along with the original release button. It is this uncertainty that stops me.

I’ve got hold of some smaller buttons that I can use and which I am sure will fit inside the small room where I can have the button. You can see the new button in the video I have posted on Twitter.

Raspberry Pi Zero W

I bought the new Raspberry Pi Zero W with built WiFi and Bluetooth. I was all too quick to order it before I remembered that I had superglue on camera connector. The lock was broken and superglue was best way to get the camera cable to get stuck. Ie I have glued the camera cable to my “old” Zero. Therefore I am not going to use my new Zero W to this camera project.

Super glue on the camera connector to keep the camera cable in place.
Super glue on the camera connector to keep the camera cable in place.